The Star Trek approach to using AI (that actually works)If you’re spending hours typing out GPT prompts, here’s a neat tip to save you a few hours.23h ago23h ago
How to capture client testimonials quickly and easilyIf you want to sell more courses or digital products, collect more social proof.Mar 31Mar 31
How I use AI to cut through doomsday headlines2032 isn’t looking hot right now. There’s a 1 in 48 chance Asteroid YR4 2024 will crash into Earth in seven years.Mar 11Mar 11
The magic number for email list profits revealedAn email list owner messaged me the other day.Feb 281Feb 281
The secret to writing effective ChatGPT promptsYou don’t need to write multi-thousand-word prompts to get a usable output from ChatGPT.Feb 271Feb 271
5 big lies about content creationI’ve spent over a decade creating content. I come across bad advice and lies about this type of work all the time.Feb 263Feb 263
I cracked Google’s prompt engineering playbookI spent last weekend reading Google’s massive guide to prompt engineering…. so you don’t have to.Feb 253Feb 253
Why I’m leaving the niche website business behindI sold off a few of my niche websites a few days ago.Feb 241Feb 241
My business coach posts about Robbie Williams (here’s why)I set up a live chat with some Substack subscribers the other day.Feb 24Feb 24
Be careful about attracting beginnersThey often can’t afford what you sell or will try it once and move on.Feb 21Feb 21